Oil and Gas Recruitment Services

Ostale usluge 60 pregleda ID: 38

Objavljeno na 2024/08/23


HBS Manpower Consultancy is having the best recruitment solution for the oil and gas industry’s any position. From last several years, the manpower consultancy also having strong data base of Technical & Supervisory field likes Offshore Technicians, ROV Technicians and Supervisors, Saturation Technicians, Foremen & Line Supervisors, Construction Superintendents, Maintenance Technician, Control Systems Technician, Electronics Technician, Instrumentation Technician, Maintenance Supervisor, HSE Manager and Operations, Management & Engineering fields like Equipment Operator, Rig Operator, Floor Hand, Derrick Hand, Drivers, Pipeline Technician, Oilfield Service Operator, Roustabout, Terminal Operator,...


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0900485xxxx Pošalji poruku
Mark Smith
Mark Smith
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