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Healthcare Recruitment Services

Ostale usluge 85 pregleda ID: 16

Objavljeno na 2024/01/24


HBS Consultancy recruits qualified Doctors, Nurses, and other health care staff for different hospitals, medicals, clinics, and for different other projects. We provide the best healthcare staff from India, Nepal. Our experts work day and night to sort the finest candidates. HBS Consultancy is a renowned healthcare recruiting agency that is well known for its services. Now we are open for all types of recruitment as per the need for Medicals and Hospitals especially for Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman the Middle East. SO, Choose the Best services from Best Manpower Consultancy for the Best Client. That’s why we always say, “Be Best. Be The Best.” Contact Us: HB...


Sofia, Bulgaria
Bosnia and Herzegovina
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+91900485xxxx Pošalji poruku
Mark Smith
Mark Smith
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2024 Cforce 625 touring overland
This is a new 4 stroke quad, 580cc with extra luggage box, Pricing includes the added parts, accessories and installation,, also taxes title and licensing and all applicable offers with 36 months Limited Factory Warranty. Interested buyer can dm me for more details.
3900.00 €
Prije 6 mjeseci Sportska oprema - Bicikli Novo Prodaj 55 ljudi pogledali
3900.00 €
3900.00 €
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